
Wednesday, March 6, 2019

What's Up Wednesday

This week...

My Current WIP (Work in Progress): Managed to revise 31 pages of the second book in the series. I had a couple of appointments crop up so I didn't get as much done as I'd planned on. I'm hoping to make it up this week.

Quote of the Week: "...failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts." ~ Winston Churchill

What I'm Reading: I started reading A Curious Beginning by Deanna Raybourn last Saturday. This is the first the the Veronica Speedwell mystery series. It's a historical mystery set in 1887. 

Random Thoughts: I had to have a blood test done for an upcoming appointment where I had to fast for at least 12 hours before the blood test. I got up very early on Saturday so I could be at the testing facility at 7:00am. I was second in line, but had to wait for over an hour because they lost my paperwork between the time I checked in and handed it to them and they supposedly entered it into their system. I was told they finally located it and had my blood drawn. I got a phone call yesterday stating my blood tests were mixed up with another patient's because they had misplaced my paperwork so tomorrow I get to get up at 5:00am to go back and have my blood redrawn and still get to work on time. Ask me how happy I am about this.

Random Photo of the Week: 
I tried this cereal last weekend. Surprisingly enough, it was pretty good. Definitely not healthy though.

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