
Monday, June 26, 2023

Monday Check In

Last week...

Writing Related: As expected I didn't much writing done, but I'm still pretty much on track to get Mississippi's story out to my beta readers and editor by July 3rd.

Motivational Quote:"Give yourself grace. Grace to rest. Grace to be delayed. Grace to feel. Grace to breathe. It'll change your life." ~ George M. Johnson

What I'm Reading: I'm about halfway through Accidentally Famous by Marissa Clarke. It's the second book in the Hideaway Harbor series. 

Random Things: I came across the above motivational quote near the end of last week. It seemed serendipitous considering I was struggling to get words written in Mississippi's story around everything else that was going on. It seemed as though the Universe was trying to tell me that I was doing the best that I could and to stop stressing over what I wasn't getting to.

Random Photo:

I found a couple of random black eyed susan flowers in our front yard. I have no idea how they got there. (At least I think they're black eyed susans.)

Monday, June 19, 2023

Monday Check In

Last week...

Writing Related: Good week last week. I'm not sure how much writing I'll get done this week. I have appointments and such going on after work Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. I'm also going to lose writing time on Saturday because I'm going to a family gathering. It'll be the first time all of my siblings and their families, my mom, and I will all be together since the pandemic began.

Motivational Quote: "I try my best to tell myself, 'Come on girl. You can do this. You can do this.'" ~ Ryka Aoki

What I'm Reading: I'm reading The Friendship Pact by Jill Shalvis. It's the second book in the Sunrise Cove series. 

Random Things: I always try not to go grocery shopping when I'm hungry because then I invariably buy things not on my list as well as things I should leave on the shelves. The photo below is what happened when I went shopping last week right after work and didn't have time to eat lunch.

Random Photo:

                                    Can you tell cookies are my go to junk food?

Monday, June 12, 2023

Monday Check In

Last week...

Writing Related: Mississippi's story is moving full steam ahead. I wrote thirty pages of new material and filled in a couple of areas that I'd earmarked as needing more research.

Motivational Quote:"Keep your minds and hearts open to life's endless and unforeseeable possibilities." ~ Octavia Spencer

What I'm Reading: I started Accidentally Perfect by Marissa Clarke last night so I'm not very far into the story yet but I think I may have read it before. Parts seem familiar, but other parts don't.

Random Things: I have so many things on my weekend To Do list that I think I'm going to accomplish and usually only end up getting half of them done. I either need to stop putting so many things on the list or maybe lower my expectations of how much I can do in two days. 

Random Photo:

                            Our rose bush is blooming for the first time in two years.

Monday, June 5, 2023

Monday Check In

Last week...

Writing Related: I had really productive writing sessions last week. I think I got more written than I have in the last few weeks prior. I'm working hard to get the book done and ready to go to my beta readers by the end of June. I've also booked my editor for the same time so I definitely need to ensure the book is ready to go to by then.

Motivational Quote: "I just embrace every day as it comes and try to live the best I can." ~ Ellie Simmonds

What I'm Reading: I started The Poisoner's Ring by Kelley Armstrong on Friday, but haven't had a lot of time to read it. It's the second book in the A Rip Through Time series. I'm not usually a fan of time-travel books but I really liked the first book (A Rip Through Time) so decided to read the next book.

Random Things: I can't believe it's the first Monday in June already. This year is flying by. The funny thing is if you'd asked me how I felt the year was going back in March, I'd have said it was dragging unbearably. It must the the winter season that makes time seem to drag and once we get to late spring and summer that time seems to pass so much quicker.

Random Photo:

  Mrs. Green was fascinated by the swirling circle of dots while my laptop updated.