
Monday, October 14, 2024

Monday Check In

 Last week...

Writing Related:  I didn't meet my weekly page count goal last week. I had a couple of appointments and two of the expected great nieces/nephews were born. One is a girl named Gia Harper and the other is a boy named Rhys James. They were born 3 days apart. Needless to say I spent more time visiting the new babies and their parents and siblings than I did writing. I'll be back on track this week.

Motivational Quote: "Because you've made one, or a few, not-so-great decisions today, doesn't mean you need to throw the rest of the day in the garbage. Those decisions are in the past. This next minute, this next decision, is still in play." ~ Glenn Patrick Doyle

What I'm Reading: I'm about a third of the way through For the Love of Summer by Susan Mallery. I enjoy both her romance and women's fiction novels but I'm having a bit of a problem liking one of the main characters in this book. I'm hoping as I get further along in the book, I'll change my mind. 

Random Things:  It's going to be cold and rainy with highs in the 40's in my area the first part of the week so we've pushed our visit to the pumpkin farm from Wednesday to Friday when it's supposed to be sunny and about 60 degrees. I do want to purchase a pumpkin, but I'm not sure I'll carve it. I might just draw a face on it instead. I'm not that talented when it comes to pumpkin carving. 

Random Photo:

This is about as creative as I get when it comes to pumpkin carving other than the usual triangle eyes and nose and jigsaw type teeth.


Monday, October 7, 2024

Monday Check In

Last week...

Writing Related:  Writing is still going well. I managed to get 15k (60 pages) written last week despite a couple of unexpected things popping up. It was touch and go there for a while if I'd meet my self-imposed deadline of having 150 pages written by the end of last week, but I did it (barely. I had to write the last 6 pages on Saturday to hit the 150 page mark.)

Motivational Quote:  "Farmers don't rush their harvest--why should we? Plant your seeds, be patient..." ~ Joel Leon

What I'm Reading:  I started reading Holding on to Chaos by Lucy Score yesterday afternoon. While this is the fifth book in the Blue Moon series, it also reads as a stand alone. I haven't read any of the previous books and I'm not feeling lost. This is an "insta-love" story which are not usually my cup of tea, but I am liking it so far. (I'm only a third of the way through the book.)

Random Things:  I made my first batch of cookies for the fall season. I don't bake from late May until early October because of the heat and high humidity that we have in the summer months. The cookies are a cross between a gingerbread cookie and a gingersnap. It was a new recipe for me. They're good but if I want a ginger based cookie in the future, I'm going to stick to my tried and true gingerbread chocolate chip cookie recipe. 

Random Photo:

                              Here's a picture of the Ginger cookies I made on Sunday.

Monday, September 30, 2024

Monday Check In

Last week...

Writing Related:  Writing is going well. I hit the 20k mark on Saturday. Only about 67,500 more words to go to finish the first draft. If I nothing unexpected pops up, I should have the first draft completed by November 1st. Fingers crossed.

Motivational Quote:  "Most of the time I just show up and keep doing it, and sooner or later the magic happens. I've learned to trust my skill, but it took a long time." ~ Isabel Allende

What I'm Reading:  I started reading Sticks and Scones by Ellie Alexander yesterday afternoon. This is the 19th book in the Bakeshop Mystery series. I've enjoyed all of the books in the series so far. If you like cozy mysteries, you should check this series out. 

Random Things:  The other day a friend mentioned she is almost finished with her holiday gift shopping. Am I the only one who dreads holiday gift shopping? I do the majority of it online, only venturing into a store to make a purchase when I have no other option, but I still dread it. I don't even want to think about it until the week of Thanksgiving. I try to get everything purchased between Black Friday and Cyber Monday so it's all done in a weekend then all I have to do is wait for the packages to arrive and I can breathe easier until the following November.

Random Photo:

                                                This is so me lately.


Monday, September 23, 2024

Monday Check In

Last week...

Writing Related:  I kept feeling like I was starting this new book in the wrong place so I deleted everything I wrote the prior week and started over. I didn't actually delete it, I saved it in a separate file in case I decide I want to use it or part of it in another place or even in another book. With the fresh start last week, the words are coming faster which makes the writing easier. I'm taking it as a sign that I'm on the right track finally.

Motivational Quote: "We will spare no effort, we will not tire or despair, we will not lose faith and we are confident that, in the end, our aim will be achieved. ~ Anwar El-Sadat

What I'm Reading:  We went to the library Friday afternoon so I started reading The Rule Book by Sarah Adams that evening. It's a cute rom-com that's holding my interest.

Random Things:  Yesterday was the official start of fall. Part of me is welcoming the changing of the season and all the things that go with it - cooler weather, being able to baking bread, the changing of the leaves, mulled apple cider, and the crisp bite of a newly picked apple. I eat apples year round, but here in upstate NY, it's apple picking time. We usually go to a pick your own apple farm and get a bunch. We're planning on going in mid-October and I'm already looking forward to it.

Random Photo:

We're trying to do less snacking after dinner, so I've been purchasing less treats, but now I'm constantly looking in the pantry for a snack or a treat. It's almost like my brain knows we don't have any so it wants one.


Monday, September 16, 2024

Monday Check In

Last week...

Writing Related:  I started writing the last book in the Echo Company series. It's a little slow going. I usually struggle to get the first few chapters written and then it gets easier. I also did more plotting this time than I usually do. I'm hoping it'll help me write the book faster as I would really love to get it out before the end of the year. 

Motivational Quote:  "You have to take risks and make mistakes in order to really get into the good work. In theory YES!  But in practice...oh the misery! ~ Liv Aanrud

What I'm Reading:  I started reading Identity by Nora Roberts over the weekend. I haven't read any of Ms. Roberts's books in a couple of years. My sister lent me her copy of Identity insisting that I had to read it, so I am. 😄

Random Things:  Now that we're in September I thought I'd be able to do some baking. I want to make some bread, cinnamon swirl bread in particular, but it's been in the mid 70's and 80's so still a bit too hot to put the oven on and heat up the house even more than it already is. I make bread quite a bit during the fall and winter months. I like the kneading process of making bread. I find it to be relaxing and a great stress reliever, not to mention the fact that I end up with all this great bread to eat. 

Random Photo: 

                                 Starting the last book in the Echo Company series.


Monday, September 9, 2024

Monday Check In

Last week...

Writing Related:  One Last Chance was published in ebook on 08/31 and the paperback was published on 09/01/24. I ended up getting it submitted and released thru Amazon a couple of days earlier than I expected. I've put a picture of the cover and the story summary/blurb below under the Random Things category. You can click on the cover on the upper right side of this blog to be taken directly to Amazon to purchase it. It is also available in Kindle Unlimited.

Motivational Quote: "The most meaningful goals are usually slow to achieve." ~ Atul Gawande

What I'm Reading: I started reading Liar's Point by Laura Griffin yesterday afternoon. This is the 5th book in the Texas Murder Files series. 

Random Things: As I mentioned above One Last Chance (Caine's book) is finally available for purchase. The cover is below. Here's the story summary/blurb:

You know what they say about Karma…

Supermodel Tabitha Mayne had it all - fame, fortune, and a willingness to do anything to stay on top. But one fateful night, her world is shattered. Tortured and left for dead, she now bears physical and emotional scars that she can't bear to show the world. Desperate to escape the constant scrutiny of the paparazzi, she flees to a small town in Virginia.

Hiding from her old life proves to be a challenge when she unexpectedly finds herself sharing a cabin with Sebastian Caine, a former elite military operative with extraordinary abilities. Wounded and on the run from a powerful adversary, Caine has no choice but to take refuge in his isolated cabin. When he discovers Tabitha, he wants nothing to do with her. The last thing he needs is the complication of a woman running from her troubles. He has enough of his own.

As circumstances force them to stay together, an unlikely bond begins to form between them. When Caine’s enemies close in, threatening to destroy them both, Tabitha and Caine must put their trust in each other but their troubled pasts may be their undoing. Can they overcome their demons and find true love, or will their secrets tear them apart forever?

Random Photo: Here's the cover for One Last Chance