Last week...
Writing Related: I didn't get a lot of writing related things done. We had a few appointments that ate up my writing time and I'm still working on the formatting issues. I hope to get those ironed out this week.
Motivational Quote: "No matter how well prepared you are in life, you're gonna fall down a hole. And if you can fix the frayed ends of things, then you're better off." ~ Fiona Apple I thought this quote was pretty appropriate given the formatting issues I'm trying to get taken care of.
What I'm Reading: "I started A Very Bad Thing by J.T. Ellison Saturday afternoon. I'm not very far into it at this point (about 75 pages in), but I'm finding it slow going. I'm hoping the pace will pick up soon.
Random Thoughts: I've been really cold the last two days. We're keeping the house heated to the same temperature we always do in the winter but for some reason, I just can't seem to warm up. I've been wearing a sweater along with fingerless gloves and extra heavy socks. (My feet and hands are always the first things to get cold.) Given that I'm already freezing, I'm dreading the next few days. The temperatures are going range between 14 degrees to minus 5 degrees in my area the first 3 days of this week. I have an appointment on Wednesday and I'm already dreading being out in the bitter cold. At least on Thursday when I do the grocery shopping, it'll be a warm 24 degrees.
Random Photo:
This is how I'm feeling this week. I'm already dreaming of summer.