
Monday, July 22, 2019

Half Year Review - Part 2

I took a good look at where I am now that half the year is gone. (I still can't believe it went by so quickly.) There are some things I can do better on, some that I feel like I'm doing okay on, and some that I'm doing pretty good on.

One of the things I can do better on is time management. I'll have the extra 3 hours in my schedule each week possibly starting this week, but definitely next week. I am devoting those extra hours to my writing goals.

I did have to revise my writing goals because at this point in time, even with the extra 3 hours, there is no way I'll meet the goal(s) I set back in January. I didn't change them too much. I did eliminate writing one new first draft.

One of the things I'm doing okay on is exercising. I know it's good for you and keeps you healthy, but I hate doing it. My goal is to exercise at least 4 days a week. Most weeks I meet the goal. There have been a couple of weeks lately that I was lucky to do one or two days, but I'll be back on track for the 4 days this week.

One of the things I'm doing pretty good on is making cards ahead of time so that I'm not in panic mode trying to get a card made and mailed before the person's birthday, anniversary, etc. I still haven't had a chance to make some Thank You cards ahead yet so I have them ready to use when needed, but overall I think I'm doing well with this goal.

One of the things I'm not doing well with is my writing goals.  With the extra 3 hours I'll have each week for at least the next 8 weeks, I should be able to meet my revised writing goals without too much trouble (provided life doesn't get in the way).

One thing I have realized is that I believe I can accomplish much more than I realistically can. Revising my goals helps keep me on track and makes me more likely to actually meet them instead of feeling like I didn't do enough or try hard enough when I don't.

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