
Friday, February 28, 2020

This I know for sure...

This week went by really fast, not that I'm complaining. I'm always happy when the weekend is about to begin.  This whole month seemed to fly by. It's hard to believe we are just a day away from March. February and March usually drag for me because it seems to be when we get the harshest winter weather.

By this point each year I'm usually pining for spring after having cold and snow and gray winter days from October onward which makes the weather seem that much more miserable. This winter hasn't been so bad. We've had a lot of days in the mid 30's which is a lot warmer than usual and not a lot of snow at one time. It's just been a few inches at a time, making it more manageable.

I'm hoping March goes by just as quickly and then the months can slow down a bit. Who wants summer to speed on by so we're right back to the winter weather? Not me.

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

What's Up Wednesday

This week...

My Current WIP (Work in Progress):  I went through 60 more pages of the Honor Bound manuscript making sure it's "perfect." I have about 100 pages left and then I'll be formatting it for publishing. 

Quote of the Week:  "It takes a deep commitment to change and an even deeper commitment to grow." ~ Ralph Ellison  I'm repeating last week's quote because it's seems appropriate given the beginning of the Lenten Season.

What I'm Reading:  I finished the book I was reading last week, but haven't started a new one yet. I've been looking at magazines my sister gave me.

Random Thoughts: I always try to figure out what I'm going to give up for the Lenten Season a few weeks before it actually begins and I always have a hard time settling on something and usually don't make my final decision until the night before it starts. You would think after doing it for some many years it would get easier. But it doesn't, at least not for me.

Random Photo of the Week:

                                       The latest Poptart flavor I tried - Fruit Loop

Monday, February 24, 2020


To get ready to self-publish for the first time, I've done a lot of research to ensure I know what I'm doing or least have some approximation of knowing what I'm doing. There is so much to learn.

One thing I have learned is there is a lot of contradictory information out there depending on who you ask or what blogs you read/follow and what Facebook groups you belong to.

These are the things I came across that have the most conflicting opinions:

1.) You don't have to register the copyright of your work because it's automatic versus you should always register the copyright which allows for better chances of winning against copyright infringement etc.  -- Personally, I'm going the register for copyright route. I'd rather pay the fee for the piece of mind.

2.) Don't bother purchasing ISBN numbers because you can get them for free through Amazon or if you use Draft2Digital versus you should buy your own ISBN numbers so that your book will have the same ISBN across different platforms such as Amazon, Kobo, Barnes & Noble, iBooks, etc. It will still have a different ISBN for ebook and one for paperback because each type requires its own ISBN. Personally, I'm going to use the free numbers for the short term. The ISBN numbers are, in my opinion, expensive and my budget is limited as I begin my foray into self-publishing.

3.) Use Draft2Digital (D2D) or Ingram Spark to upload your books to various platforms versus upload your books yourself to each platform. While it's more work, you aren't paying someone to do it and you have more control.  Personally, I haven't made this decision yet. I have to check out each platform and find out how difficult or how much work is involved to upload them myself or if it's easier to pay the 10% to 15% royalty to D2D on each book sold. I don't know a lot about Ingram Spark yet so I need to do a bit more research on it before I make a decision.

Next up on the list to learn is the correct formatting of the manuscripts to be able to upload them either to individual platforms or to D2D or Ingram Spark. This includes adding in front and back matter such as the copyright page, dedication page, links to my social media, links to other books, any pre-order links, etc.