
Monday, April 15, 2019

Book Titling

I've always had a hard time coming up with titles for my manuscripts. I will sometimes refer to them by a very temporary title if one pops into my head and seems to fit the story in some way. Most of the time though I refer to the manuscript by one of the main character's names.

For example when I was writing An Unexpected Gift, I referred to the book as Olivia's story the entire time I was writing it. I didn't come up with a title until I was getting ready to send it out for submission.

I think I don't put a lot of effort into coming up with a title because in many cases, the publishing company chooses the title during the publication process that they feel will better help sell the book.  Lately though I've been having these awesome titles pop into my head for books I haven't started outlining, much less writing yet. I've started writing them down on a sheet of paper because I'm afraid I won't remember them when I'm ready to use them. 

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