
Monday, March 2, 2020

Why Is This Book Popular?

Have you ever wanted to read a book because all your friends are talking about it, or it's all over social media or the news or in magazines? Then you finally read it and end up hating it?

That happened to me recently.  I didn't see a lot about the book on the news or in magazines. I saw a few things on social media about it. Friends had read it and raved over it. One read it with her book club of about 12 members and they all loved it.

I had put it on hold at our local library and was number 28 on the list out of 10 copies that were available through out our county's library system so it was going to be a while before I would be able to borrow a copy. My friend offered to loan me her copy so I took her up on her offer rather wait who knows how long to get it out of the library.

I couldn't wait to start the book. I sat down and started reading it the same night she dropped it off. At first I was like, meh, it's okay. It must get better after the first few chapters. Nope. I hated the main female character. She came across as judgemental and b*tchy.

I realize reading is very subjective because we all bring our own biases along with us when we read. That being said, I wanted to ask all those people who raved over the book if we were reading the same book because not one of them mentioned anything about the main female character being a less than sympathetic character.

Has this ever happened to you?

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