
Friday, October 17, 2014

This I know for sure...

I sometimes wonder if I'm maybe a bit self-absorbed. Like most people, I try to live a good life, treat people the way I want to be treated, and try to always say please and thank you to others who provide me with some sort of service whether it be a server in a restaurant or the cashier at the grocery store.

Have you ever watched a program or news report on television where someone has a terrible medical illness and they say, "I never asked 'why me'?"  Within the last three months, I've suffered what I feel are more than my share of life's struggles. Lately, I've been asking, "Why me? I try to be a good person. Why is this happening?" Thankfully, none of those things have been health related for myself or my mother, but they are causing financial struggles. I admire those people, wish I could be more like them, but I tend to fret and worry so I do ask "why me?" Does that make me less of a good person because I ask that question?

I don't know the answer. I do know I've been trying to worry less. (Easier said, than done.) My sister sent me a quote that reads, "Some times when things are falling apart, maybe they're just really falling into place." I repeat that quote to myself a lot. A friend told me to "let go and let God." I'm trying to let go and not worry so much but I'm afraid that He has so many people praying to him over their own troubles that my prayers just get lost in the chatter.

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