
Monday, July 29, 2024

Monday Check In

Last week...

Writing Related:  Caine's book is finished, I hope. I'm sending it to my beta readers today. While they have it, I'm going to work on the back cover copy.  I think writing the blurb is almost harder than writing the actual book. It might take me the whole week to get the blurb done to the point where I think it's not completely terrible.

Motivational Quote:  "You can always attempt things and if they do not work out well; fine. But at every point in time, you just need to put in your best." ~ Kafayat Sanni

What I'm Reading:  I started The Rom-Commers by Katherine Center a few days ago. I've read a lot of her work and enjoyed most of them. I think there was only one that I didn't finish. 

Random Thoughts:  I don't usually watch sports of any kind but when the Olympics roll around, I find myself glued to the TV. I try to watch as many of the different sporting events as I can during the summer games. During the winter games, I usually only watch the ice skating, skiing, bobsled, and luge events. 

Random Photo: 

          My doctor's office decorated their year round tree for Shark Week this month.

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