
Monday, July 15, 2024

Monday Check In

Last week...

Writing Related:  I'll need this week to finish up the last of the revisions for Caine's book. It'll go to beta readers next week. 

Motivational Quote:  "The only menace is inertia." ~ Saint-John Perse  I'm repeating the quote from the first week of July. It seems appropriate as I'm working hard to meet my self-imposed deadline to finish this book. 

What I'm Reading:  I finished The Messy Life of Jane Tanner by Brenda Novak last night. I'll be starting a new book this evening. I just have to decide which one of the 6 books I borrowed from the library to read next. 

Random Thoughts: We have a lot of squirrels in my neighborhood. I've been fighting them off with a non-toxic spray that is supposed to keep them from eating your plants. I didn't want them to bother the sweet potato vine I'm growing. We got a lot of rain from what was left of Hurricane Beryl last week. The rain must have washed the spray off the porch area where I've been spraying it because I got up the next day and found the sweet potato vine completely dug up and out of the pot. I've replanted it and am keeping my fingers crossed that it will re-root and survive. 

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