
Monday, June 1, 2020

Time, It Sails on By

I can't believe we are over 5 months into the year already. Time has flown by. For some of us, time may be dragging interminably due to the pandemic. Thankfully, I haven't really been affected so very little of my day to day routine has changed. April did seem to last much longer than 30 days though.

I feel like I'm ahead of schedule in terms of some of my personal goals, but I'm definitely behind a bit in my writing goals. I wanted to release Honor Bound, the first book in my series in April, but decided to wait until I have the second book back from beta readers and any changes/corrections/suggestions taken care of so I can release them both within a month or so from each other. I was a bit late getting it out to the beta readers so I'm not expecting any feedback from them for another couple of weeks.

I'm plotting out the major story arc for the third book in the series. I'm not a big plotter, but I like to have a paragraph consisting of a couple of sentences for each chapter to help keep me on track.

I'm working a little more slowly than usual due to my hand injury. My middle finger is taped to my index finger to help give it some stability so I only have two fingers to type with on my left hand. I'm not sure how much longer the doctor will want them taped together, but it will be some time before I'll be able to use my index finger to type with again. Since a good portion of the tip and nail are gone, the doctor said it's going to be painful to put even the slightest pressure on it for a few months or more.

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