
Monday, September 30, 2024

Monday Check In

Last week...

Writing Related:  Writing is going well. I hit the 20k mark on Saturday. Only about 67,500 more words to go to finish the first draft. If I nothing unexpected pops up, I should have the first draft completed by November 1st. Fingers crossed.

Motivational Quote:  "Most of the time I just show up and keep doing it, and sooner or later the magic happens. I've learned to trust my skill, but it took a long time." ~ Isabel Allende

What I'm Reading:  I started reading Sticks and Scones by Ellie Alexander yesterday afternoon. This is the 19th book in the Bakeshop Mystery series. I've enjoyed all of the books in the series so far. If you like cozy mysteries, you should check this series out. 

Random Things:  The other day a friend mentioned she is almost finished with her holiday gift shopping. Am I the only one who dreads holiday gift shopping? I do the majority of it online, only venturing into a store to make a purchase when I have no other option, but I still dread it. I don't even want to think about it until the week of Thanksgiving. I try to get everything purchased between Black Friday and Cyber Monday so it's all done in a weekend then all I have to do is wait for the packages to arrive and I can breathe easier until the following November.

Random Photo:

                                                This is so me lately.


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