Last week...
Writing Related: As expected I didn't much writing done, but I'm still pretty much on track to get Mississippi's story out to my beta readers and editor by July 3rd.
Motivational Quote:"Give yourself grace. Grace to rest. Grace to be delayed. Grace to feel. Grace to breathe. It'll change your life." ~ George M. Johnson
What I'm Reading: I'm about halfway through Accidentally Famous by Marissa Clarke. It's the second book in the Hideaway Harbor series.
Random Things: I came across the above motivational quote near the end of last week. It seemed serendipitous considering I was struggling to get words written in Mississippi's story around everything else that was going on. It seemed as though the Universe was trying to tell me that I was doing the best that I could and to stop stressing over what I wasn't getting to.
Random Photo:
I found a couple of random black eyed susan flowers in our front yard. I have no idea how they got there. (At least I think they're black eyed susans.)