
Monday, August 26, 2024

Monday Check In

Last week...

Writing Related:  I finished the final edits and revisions on One Last Chance (Caine's book) on Saturday. My editor is taking one last quick look at it and then it will be ready for publication. Whew! At times I wondered if I'd ever get it out into the world.

Motivational Quote: "I am a pessimist with a lot of hope." ~ Mia Couto  This quote describes me perfectly.

What I'm Reading: I started reading This Is Why We Lied by Karin Slaughter yesterday afternoon. It's the latest book in the Will Trent series. The first few chapters were slow going, but it's gotten much better. Now I hate having to put it down to do other things.

Random Thoughts:  I'm going to be a great-aunt three times over. Three of my nieces (one is a niece-in-law) are pregnant and all of them due at the end of September, early October. One couple is expecting a boy, one couple is expecting a girl, and the last couple chose not to find out the gender so it will be a surprise. 

Random Photo:

I came across this on Facebook. It resonated with me because it's really accurate (in my opinion).

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