
Monday, September 9, 2019

A Shocking Surprise

I've been working along with revisions/edits on the second book in my series until I came upon a mention of a scene I never wrote. What to do? I went back and wrote it in, then I realized I needed a better transition after that scene so I wrote that, then I realized I needed to write one more scene to tie all those new scenes/transitions and such together. Whew! Everything flows better.

Last Monday, I couldn't wait to get started on finishing up the revisions of the pages I had left, Once I had those done, I only have the ending of the story to write, something I should be able to do in about 50 pages or so. I would finally, finally be done with this book.

I opened up the word document, revised a few pages, finished up one chapter and moved on to the next. I started reading and then had to go back to the last chapter, flipped back to the present chapter. Somewhere between the last chapter and the next, a whole section of the story was missing. This isn't just a little scene missing, this is the equivalent of 4 or 5 chapters missing.

I'm very careful about saving my work in progress. I save a copy to the cloud, one to my laptop, and one to a flash drive, and I keep a hard copy, printing out pages as I go just in case all those digital copies go poof. The only thing I can figure out is I must have hit a wall when writing the first draft so I jumped ahead and started writing from that point.

I spent last weekend figuring out what needs to happen between that last chapter and the jump ahead chapter. I'm hoping it won't take too long to get those pages written so I can keep moving forward.

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