My current WIP (work in progress): Not much new. Still working on the revisions.
News from the publishing world: Amazon and Hachette have ended their dispute. Link: Amazon & Hachette end dispute
Quote of the week: "Stop wishing. Start doing." ~ Unknown. Sometimes I find that I say, "I wish..." a lot more than I should be.
Health news: Approximately 83% of Americans drink coffee. Here are some of the benefits - Caffeine intake can help combat the effects of protein deposits in the brain so it may help defend against Alzheimer's. The chlorogenic acids (which are antioxidants) found in coffee beans encourage your body to burn fat and may rev up your metabolism.
Random things: We received our first snow fall last Friday. It wasn't a lot, just a bit to stick to the ground. Now the forecasters are calling for 6 inches of snow tomorrow morning. I'm so not ready for that much snow all at once already.
Random photo of the week:

Here's a photo of our first snowfall so to speak.
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