
Wednesday, July 5, 2017

What's Up Wednesday

This week...

My current WIP (work in progress):  Our older cat, Petey, passed away on Monday. No writing this week as we deal with the sudden loss.

Quote of the Week: “Setbacks are normal. They will happen. It’s something to accept, along with the responsibility of getting back up and into the game.” ~  Unknown

What I'm reading: I started How The Duke Was Won by Lenora Bell. This is the first book in the Disgraceful Dukes series. It's also the first book I've read by Ms. Bell.

Random Thoughts:  I'm a bit worried about our 2 year old cat, Somebody. He's been walking around crying and looking for Petey. He's not eating or drinking as much as he usually does. He seems very mopey, not his usual playful self. He's not even eating his treats which he always would eat and then want more. He's never been alone, coming right from his litter to living with Petey. I've spoken to the vet and was told that some cats do grieve the loss of a companion. I'm going to give him a couple more days and if he's still the same I'm going to take him in for a check up to make sure he's ok. The fact that he's not really eating or drinking concerns me even though the vet didn't seem overly worried as long as he was eating and drinking even if it's not his normal amount.

Random Photo of the Week:

      Somebody and Petey (he's the black cat) trying to snuggle in a bed meant for one.

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