
Monday, July 29, 2024

Monday Check In

Last week...

Writing Related:  Caine's book is finished, I hope. I'm sending it to my beta readers today. While they have it, I'm going to work on the back cover copy.  I think writing the blurb is almost harder than writing the actual book. It might take me the whole week to get the blurb done to the point where I think it's not completely terrible.

Motivational Quote:  "You can always attempt things and if they do not work out well; fine. But at every point in time, you just need to put in your best." ~ Kafayat Sanni

What I'm Reading:  I started The Rom-Commers by Katherine Center a few days ago. I've read a lot of her work and enjoyed most of them. I think there was only one that I didn't finish. 

Random Thoughts:  I don't usually watch sports of any kind but when the Olympics roll around, I find myself glued to the TV. I try to watch as many of the different sporting events as I can during the summer games. During the winter games, I usually only watch the ice skating, skiing, bobsled, and luge events. 

Random Photo: 

          My doctor's office decorated their year round tree for Shark Week this month.

Monday, July 22, 2024

Monday Check In

Last week...

Writing Related:  While doing one last read through, I found a dangling plot thread that needs to be woven into the story. I'll work on that this week and then send the completed book to my beta readers next Monday. It'll put me a week behind schedule, but I'm hoping they won't find much that needs changing.

Motivational Quote: "Two little mice fell in a bucket of cream. The first mouse quickly gave up and drowned. The second mouse wouldn't quit. He struggled so hard that eventually he churned that cream into butter and crawled out..." ~ Frank Abagnale, Sr. from the movie Catch Me If You Can

What I'm Reading:  I'm currently reading The Mostly True Story of Tanner and Louise by Colleen Oakley. It's the first book I've read of Ms. Oakley's. I'm enjoying it and should have it finished in the next couple of days.

Random Thoughts:  Two new shops that sell handmade ice cream opened in my area. I'm interested in visiting both of them as they have unique flavors. One is known for its basil ice cream and the other is known for it's S'Mores ice cream cone with a toasted marshmallow on a skewer topper and their lemon soft serve with a blackberry jam topping. I'm a huge fan of S'Mores so that will be the one I would most likely get.

Random Photo:

                        It's been so crazy busy lately, this how I feel most mornings.

Monday, July 15, 2024

Monday Check In

Last week...

Writing Related:  I'll need this week to finish up the last of the revisions for Caine's book. It'll go to beta readers next week. 

Motivational Quote:  "The only menace is inertia." ~ Saint-John Perse  I'm repeating the quote from the first week of July. It seems appropriate as I'm working hard to meet my self-imposed deadline to finish this book. 

What I'm Reading:  I finished The Messy Life of Jane Tanner by Brenda Novak last night. I'll be starting a new book this evening. I just have to decide which one of the 6 books I borrowed from the library to read next. 

Random Thoughts: We have a lot of squirrels in my neighborhood. I've been fighting them off with a non-toxic spray that is supposed to keep them from eating your plants. I didn't want them to bother the sweet potato vine I'm growing. We got a lot of rain from what was left of Hurricane Beryl last week. The rain must have washed the spray off the porch area where I've been spraying it because I got up the next day and found the sweet potato vine completely dug up and out of the pot. I've replanted it and am keeping my fingers crossed that it will re-root and survive. 

Monday, July 8, 2024

Happy 4th of July

     I'm a few days late but I hope you and your families had a wonderful 4th of July holiday.

Monday, July 1, 2024

Monday Check In

Last week...

Writing Related:  I hit my goal of writing 40k in new material in the month of June on 6/28. I actually wrote a total of 44,500 words. There are some plot holes that need fixing and the usual editing and revisions but Caine's book should be finished by July 15th. It'll go to beta readers either that week or the week after at the latest.

Motivational Quote:  "The only menace is inertia." ~ Saint-John Perse

What I'm Reading:  I finished A Hard Day for a Hangover by Darynda Jones last night. It's the third and final book in the Sunshine Vicram series. I'm planning on going to the library this coming Friday so I'll probably just go through the magazines my sister brought over for me to look at until then.

Random Thoughts:  It's hard to believe it's July 1st. The month of June flew by but that could have been because I was so busy writing as much as I could. It also could be that the warm summer months seem to go much quicker than the cold, snowy winter months.

Random Photo:

              Mrs. Green lounging in the Chewy box that all her fun things came in.