
Monday, September 23, 2024

Monday Check In

Last week...

Writing Related:  I kept feeling like I was starting this new book in the wrong place so I deleted everything I wrote the prior week and started over. I didn't actually delete it, I saved it in a separate file in case I decide I want to use it or part of it in another place or even in another book. With the fresh start last week, the words are coming faster which makes the writing easier. I'm taking it as a sign that I'm on the right track finally.

Motivational Quote: "We will spare no effort, we will not tire or despair, we will not lose faith and we are confident that, in the end, our aim will be achieved. ~ Anwar El-Sadat

What I'm Reading:  We went to the library Friday afternoon so I started reading The Rule Book by Sarah Adams that evening. It's a cute rom-com that's holding my interest.

Random Things:  Yesterday was the official start of fall. Part of me is welcoming the changing of the season and all the things that go with it - cooler weather, being able to baking bread, the changing of the leaves, mulled apple cider, and the crisp bite of a newly picked apple. I eat apples year round, but here in upstate NY, it's apple picking time. We usually go to a pick your own apple farm and get a bunch. We're planning on going in mid-October and I'm already looking forward to it.

Random Photo:

We're trying to do less snacking after dinner, so I've been purchasing less treats, but now I'm constantly looking in the pantry for a snack or a treat. It's almost like my brain knows we don't have any so it wants one.


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