
Monday, September 16, 2024

Monday Check In

Last week...

Writing Related:  I started writing the last book in the Echo Company series. It's a little slow going. I usually struggle to get the first few chapters written and then it gets easier. I also did more plotting this time than I usually do. I'm hoping it'll help me write the book faster as I would really love to get it out before the end of the year. 

Motivational Quote:  "You have to take risks and make mistakes in order to really get into the good work. In theory YES!  But in practice...oh the misery! ~ Liv Aanrud

What I'm Reading:  I started reading Identity by Nora Roberts over the weekend. I haven't read any of Ms. Roberts's books in a couple of years. My sister lent me her copy of Identity insisting that I had to read it, so I am. 😄

Random Things:  Now that we're in September I thought I'd be able to do some baking. I want to make some bread, cinnamon swirl bread in particular, but it's been in the mid 70's and 80's so still a bit too hot to put the oven on and heat up the house even more than it already is. I make bread quite a bit during the fall and winter months. I like the kneading process of making bread. I find it to be relaxing and a great stress reliever, not to mention the fact that I end up with all this great bread to eat. 

Random Photo: 

                                 Starting the last book in the Echo Company series.


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