As anyone who knows me can tell you, I’m not a big fan of the
winter season. Here in upstate NY, it
drags on much too long with the season beginning in mid-November and if we’re
lucky, ending in mid-April though we have had snow as late as May in the past. The area I live in gets an average of about
110 inches of snow each winter.
Every October, I always say I’m moving south where it’s warm
and has very little snow if any but I’m always still here every year. I stay mainly because all of my family lives
here and I can’t imagine not seeing them on a weekly, if not daily, basis. It certainly isn’t because of the
weather. I hate the cold, the icy roads,
the drivers who drive like speed demons despite the treacherous conditions, and
of course, the snow itself.

I think I’d like the winter season and the snow a whole lot
better if I could experience it from inside my home or on my front porch and
not have to actually go out in it and risk life and limb to get to where I have
to be on a daily basis. Of course, I’d
really like the winter season better if I could just convince my family members
to move south with me.
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