
Monday, March 10, 2025

Monday Check In

Last week...

Writing Related:  I hit the 12k mark last week. Finally. The first few chapters of every book are slow going for me, but the writing of this book seems to be even slower than usual. I'm hoping to write 12k this week alone to try to make up for the first 12k taking longer than I expected.

Motivational Quote: "Life is not easy for any of us...We must have perseverance and above all confidence in ourselves." ~ Marie Curie

What I'm Reading:  I'll start reading The Seven Year Flip by Ashley Poston tonight. This is the first book I'll be reading by Ms. Poston. I've heard good things about it so I'm looking forward to reading it.

Random Thoughts:  Last week flew by and even though I kept to my writing schedule and was able to get the usual household related chores done, I feel like I'm behind in everything else. My household project To Do list seems to be getting longer instead of shorter. Maybe because for every one thing I manage to do and cross off, I'm adding one or two things to replace it. I guess I need to stop finding things I want to do that don't necessarily need to be done until I get more things crossed off the list.

Random Photo:

Mrs. Green decided she liked sleeping in a cardboard box better than her cat bed so I added a couple of old pillow cases to the box and now it's her new favorite spot to take a nap.


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