
Monday, May 13, 2024

Monday Check In

Last week...

Writing Related:  Still working on Caine's story. I didn't meet my Camp NaNoWriMo goal, but I did write 20k in April so I'm okay with not meeting the goal. I wasn't too far off considering I had some unexpected things crop up. 

Motivational Quote:  I'm repeating the quote from a couple of weeks ago since I have a lot going on this week and am not sure how much writing I'm going to get done. The quote is a good reminder that some words written is better than no words written. "Always look for the thing you CAN do, with the energy and focus you DO have. Little wins pay the way for bigger wins. 1% beats 0%." ~ Glenn Patrick Doyle  

What I'm Reading:  I started Rock Bottom Girl by Lucy Score this past weekend. I'm liking it so far, but I'm only a few chapters into the book.

Random Thoughts: Ugh! Can I complain about the weather? I try not to, but we've had so much rain lately. We had more rain in the month of April than we've had in years. Unfortunately, May looks like it's going to be the same way. I'm hoping a change in the weather pattern will move all the rain out of my area for at least the next few days. 

Random Photo:

                         Mrs. Green intently watching the birds outside the window.

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