Welcome Terry, glad you could join me.
How long have you been writing and what made you decide to pursue a writing career?
About 8 years. I ran out of room on my walls for needlepoint. (Actually, the real story is on my website, http://www.terryodell.com Check out "How I Became a Writer By Mistake")
Why do you write in the genre/sub-genre that you do? Any plans
in the future to write in a different one?
I thought I was writing a mystery, but my daughters told me it was a
romance. I found romantic suspense the perfect combination, although I consider
them more "mysteries with relationships."
Who is your
favorite author? (I know, an unfair
question. I
couldn’t name just one myself.)
Totally unfair. Who's your favorite child? I like different authors
for different moods. I'm not going to name names because I know I'll forget
How do you stay motivated when writer’s
block hits or your muse
won’t cooperate?
I think about the housework that's
waiting, and decide writing is a better option than cleaning toilets. I might
shift projects—do critiques or work on blog posts, but the WIP remains in my head. But writing is work. Can you imagine calling a plumber to fix a toilet
and he says, "I can't come today. I have plumber's block."
Do you have a critique partner or
partners? If so, do you think
they help
more in terms of moral support or in terms of line
editing, brainstorming, etc?
I belong to an on-line critique group, and we've been together for years. We do
everything from brainstorm to line edits. But yes, moral support is a biggie,
because writing is such a strange business. I also belong to my local RWA
chapter and a book club, and talking reading and writing helps with the focus.
What’s the best writing advice you were
ever given?
Barf it up first, clean
it up later.
What part of the
writing process do you like the most? The least?
I like the discovery,
peeling away the layers of my characters, and making them suffer. I suppose the
least favorite part is coming up with a strong ending. And the title. Hate
coming up with those.
Tell us about your
current release in a couple of sentences.

Can you tell us
a little about your next project?
My next 'official' release isn't until
April of 2012: Rooted in Danger, another Blackthorne, Inc. novel. It's Fozzie's
story. It starts on a tropical island, and things heat up from there. It deals with botanical research into cures for orphan diseases—the ones the big
companies don't bother with because there's not a big enough market for the
drug. Of course, there's a romance involved as well. You can read more about it
at the "coming soon" section of my website. In the meantime I'm working on another book in my Pine Hills romantic suspense series, to accompany
Finding Sarah and Hidden Fire.
Anything else
you’d like to share?
I'd like to invite everyone to my website, http://www.terryodell.com, and to my
blog, Terry's Place, where I discuss
writing, host guests, share recipes and photographic field trips. And, of course, to check out my books. First chapter reads of all my novels can be
found on my website, and they're for sale at most on line bookstores.
Thanks for having me, Katherine. I'd like to add that until October 15th, there's a half price coupon for both Finding Sarah & Hidden Fire at Smashwords. You can get the coupon code at the Deals & Steals tab at my blog:
ReplyDeleteTerry's Place
Hi, Terry and Katherine,
ReplyDeleteA very lively and interesting interview! I love your writing advice: barf it up first, clean it up later. Never were truer words said! A dislike of housework keeps me writing too, although sometimes I get ideas while doing the cleaning.
Jacqueline Seewald
Jacqueline - thanks for stopping by. Ideas spring up everywhere, maybe doing the cleaning with hopes of inspiration might motivate me.
Terry's Place
Romance with a Twist--of Mystery
Some great writing advice here, Terry! And I'm with you...writing is infinitely better than housework. :)
ReplyDeleteElizabeth - good to see you here. I'll keep your words in mind as I avoid doing the floors this morning!
ReplyDeleteGreat interview! And, Terry, I love your writer's advice. Ain't it the truth?
ReplyDeleteLike you, I find that my mysteries turn out to be pretty romantic. Actually by design. Best wishes for a wonderful future in your mistaken world of fiction writing. LOL
Pat Dale
Pat - nothing wrong with romance. And the romantic suspense sub-genre gives us plenty of room to play.
Terry's Place
Romance with a Twist--of Mystery
Great interview, Terry! I LOL at your advice but it does have a ring of truth in it. Want to wish you & All 5 Star authors (all authors in fact) best of luck and God's blessings on your writing career(s) & lives.