Last week...
Writing Related: I worked on Garrett's book last week. I didn't get as much written as I'd hoped, but I should have at least 12k words written by the end of this week.
Motivational Quote: "Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence." ~ Calvin Coolidge
What I'm Reading: I started reading The Paradise Problem by Christina Lauren yesterday afternoon. I'm also reading Now or Never by Janet Evanovich. This is the 31st book in the Stephanie Plum series. I'll write more about why I'm reading two books at once, which I very rarely do in the Random Thoughts section below.
Random Thoughts: Regarding Now or Never, I keep picking it up, then putting it down after a couple of chapters and either going to do something else or reading something else because I'm having issues with the main character. I loved this series in the past, but the last few books have dimmed my enthusiasm for it. I just don't like how the Stephanie Plum character doesn't ever seem to learn from her mistakes or show any character growth, not to mention cheating on her boyfriend then excuses it because the guy she's cheating with is so hot that she can't help it.
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How I've been feeling about writing lately. 😉