
Monday, January 27, 2025

Monday Check In

Last week...

Writing Related:  I have the formatting issues ironed out but have decided that the back cover summary (blurb) is rather blah and needs some reworking. I'll work on that the first part of this week so I can get everything formatted and the book out into the world by February 1st at the latest.

Motivational Quote:  "Make it a point to do something every day that you don't want to do. This is the golden rule for acquiring the habit of doing your duty without pain." ~ Mark Twain

What I'm Reading:  I'm going to the library later this afternoon to pick up a few books that I requested that have come in so I'll be reading one of them. I'm just not sure which one I'll chose to read first.

Random Thoughts:  I chose the quote listed above because one of my goals this year is to stop procrastinating on stuff I either need to learn how to do or that seem overwhelming every time I think about them. My starting point is to work on those items at least once a week. Once I get so I'm doing that consistently, then I'll try to work on them at least 3 to 4 times a week until they're taken care of or I've learned how to do them.

Random Photos:

           Somebody knows the right way to spend a cold and snowy winter afternoon.

Monday, January 20, 2025

Monday Check In

Last week...

Writing Related:  I didn't get a lot of writing related things done. We had a few appointments that ate up my writing time and I'm still working on the formatting issues. I hope to get those ironed out this week. 

Motivational Quote:  "No matter how well prepared you are in life, you're gonna fall down a hole. And if you can fix the frayed ends of things, then you're better off." ~ Fiona Apple  I thought this quote was pretty appropriate given the formatting issues I'm trying to get taken care of.

What I'm Reading:  "I started A Very Bad Thing by J.T. Ellison Saturday afternoon. I'm not very far into it at this point (about 75 pages in), but I'm finding it slow going. I'm hoping the pace will pick up soon.

Random Thoughts:  I've been really cold the last two days. We're keeping the house heated to the same temperature we always do in the winter but for some reason, I just can't seem to warm up. I've been wearing a sweater along with fingerless gloves and extra heavy socks. (My feet and hands are always the first things to get cold.) Given that I'm already freezing, I'm dreading the next few days. The temperatures are going range between 14 degrees to minus 5 degrees in my area the first 3 days of this week. I have an appointment on Wednesday and I'm already dreading being out in the bitter cold. At least on Thursday when I do the grocery shopping, it'll be a warm 24 degrees. 

Random Photo:

                     This is how I'm feeling this week. I'm already dreaming of summer.

Monday, January 13, 2025

First Monday Check in of 2025

Last week..

Writing Related:  I met with my nephew who is a firefighter for our city as I mentioned in my last post. Now that I have enough (I hope) information regarding firefighting and life in the firehouse in hand, I'll start plotting the first book in my new series. I don't have a title in mind yet, so for now I'll refer to it as Garrett's book as he is the main male character in the book. I have some minor formatting issues to work out on Coming Home, the last book in the Echo Company series. That should be available for purchase by the end of January at the latest. 

Motivational Quote:  "Begin with the most terrifying thing of all: a clean slate. Then look, every day, at the choices you are making and when you ask yourself why you are making them...find this answer within you: for me, for me." ~ Anna Quindlen.  I've used this quote before but thought it was very appropriate given the newness of the year.

What I'm Reading: I'll be starting Meet Me at the Lake by Carley Fortune. A friend recommended it to me with the caveat that it's written in the present tense. I have a hard time enjoying books written in this tense, but am going to give it a try. 

Random Thoughts:  Wednesday of this week is National Bagel Day. I didn't find this out until after I'd written up our meal menu for the week and ironically had put bagels and yogurt down for breakfast on Wednesday. We usually have bagels at least once a week as they're a quick and easy breakfast especially if you're running late. 

Random Photo:

                                          Happy National Bagel Day

Monday, January 6, 2025

First Monday of 2025

 The first Monday of 2025...

The beginning of a new year is when everyone is eager for a fresh start as they work toward achieving their goals.  I found this quote and thought it was very appropriate given that we're a few days into a brand new year: 

"The future you're fighting for is actually possible and you can achieve it." ~ Vanessa Nakate

It certainly is inspiring, isn't it? My new year will be starting next Monday, January 13th. That's when I'll start writing the first book in my new series and get back to my normal exercise routine and following a healthy 80/20 eating plan. I found the second quote I typed below that seemed to fit where I'm at right now:

"So many things are happening right now, so I'm in the process of digesting everything and putting things in order. I think it's too early for me to say this is goal or this is my plan. I'm just going to try and do my best..." ~  Hoyeon Jung

That's not to say I don't have goals, intentions, or plans in place for this month, this quarter, and the year. I do but need a little extra time before I jump in and start things off. We have some medical and a dental appointment this week plus I'm meeting with my nephew who is a firefighter for our city. I'll be picking his brain on all things firefighting and EMS related as the main male character in the new book is a firefighter. He's already answered a million questions (okay, just over 50 or so) and given me some background in general but when we meet up on Wednesday, he'll be giving me a tour of the fire house where he's stationed, letting me try on some of the gear, and showing me some of the tools they use. I'm sure I'll have more questions as well. 

I hope you have a good week and are having a great start to your year. I'll be back next week with my usual Monday check in.